Full or partial content RSS2.0 has a element that can contain either the full text or a synopsis of an entry. 全部或者部分内容RSS2.0有一个元素,可以包含条目的全部文本或者大纲。
White-hot spring basin is a partial sodium silicate-chuenNo sulphur content. 白盆珠温泉属偏硅酸钠泉,不含硫。
Also, this sort of attack can be performed with only a partial knowledge of the packet content. 另外,只要知道一部分信息包内容,就可以执行这类攻击。
This nodeType is not supported for partial content parsing. 此nodetype不支持部分内容分析。
The pollutant analysis showed that the partial pollutant content of the coal gas cooling water would be over the limits. 污染物分析说明煤气冷凝水中部分污染物含量超标。
A persecution partial content, is also persecutes me the evil influence to pass the villagers in the threaten advantage to carry on the persecution to me a part; 迫害的一部份内容,也是迫害我的邪恶势力在威迫利透村民们对我进行迫害的一部份;
Raising temperature is conducive to reducing process. The starting-reduction temperature of titanic oxide goes down with the decrease of partial pressure of CO. But the content of C, N in Ti ( C, N) depends on the temperature and partial pressure of N_2. 升高温度有利于还原进行,钛氧化物的开始还原温度随气相中的CO分压降低而降低,但Ti(C,N)中的C,N含量则取决于温度和N2压力。
Result The parameters in the growing chamber such as temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, total pressure, O 2 partial pressure, CO 2 partial pressure and water content of the growing media were totally and effectively controlled; 结果该样机栽培室内的温度、相对湿度、风速、总压、O2分压、CO2分压和栽培基质水分含量均实行自动而有效的控制;
The results showed that under various temperatures and decreasing O_2 content in the drying media, in which N_2 and CO_2 were used as drying media to replace partial air, the chlorophyll content and mass fraction of vitamin C of the vegetables were improved. 结果表明:采用N2或CO2进行气体调节,降低干燥过程气体的O2含量,可明显提高蔬菜干制品叶绿素含量和降低干制过程维生素C质量分数的损失。
It includes dissolved gas analysis, partial discharge detection, water content monitoring in transformer oil, monitoring of the electric parameter etc.. 具体内容包括变压器油中溶解气体含量监测、油中微水含量监测、局部放电监测以及运行电气参数监测等。
The Nitroglycerin caused vasodilatation was not the significance difference in each group, also had nothing to do with the partial body fat content and the body fat distribution. 硝酸甘油引起的血管扩张在各组间均无显著性差异,亦与局部体脂含量和体脂分布无关。
This paper was a partial content of '948' project of agricultural Department about introduction and breeding the new alfalfa varieties with high yield and fine quality and high resistance. 本文是农业部‘948’项目高产优质抗逆苜蓿新品种的引进与繁育课题的一部分内容。
It gives the partial examples about the content choice and organization of chemistry course for cuisine specialty and analyses them. 文中列出了烹饪专业化学课程教学内容选择、组织的部分案例并作了分析。
This article reviews the quantity and function changes of immune cell after low-dose exposure. These changes include the amount of total lymphocyte and partial subset, the function of lymphocyte, immunoglobulin content of serum, and monocyte function. 本文综述了机体受到低剂量核辐射后出现的免疫细胞数量和功能变化,包括淋巴细胞总数和部分亚群数量、淋巴细胞转化率、血清免疫球蛋白含量以及单核细胞功能等变化。
Conclusion The overload is the blood vessel bast function damage important dangerous factor, and the blood vessel bast function damage close correlate to the partial body fat content and the body fat distribution. 结论超重是血管内皮功能受损的重要危险因素,血管内皮功能受损与局部体脂含量和体脂分布密切相关。
In this paper, the deposition parameters of ZAO films by DC magnetron reactive sputtering are specifically analyzed, and the effects of substrate temperature, oxygen partial pressure, Al content and target-substrate distance ( TSD) on resistivity and optical transmittance of ZAO films are discussed. 本文对直流磁控反应溅射制备ZAO薄膜的工艺作了具体分析,探讨了沉积温度、氧分压、Al含量和靶基距等对ZAO薄膜的电阻率、可见光区透射率的影响。
Corrosion velocity improves when temperature, velocity of flow, CO 2 partial pressure and H 2S content rises. 腐蚀随温度、流速、CO2分压和H2S含量的增加而变大,钻井液pH值越低,腐蚀越强。
So teaching practice in definition should include at least partial practice of moral education, Theory of teaching should also include at least partial content of theory of moral education. 教学实践在定义上至少要包含部分德育实践,研究教学的教学论在定义上也至少要包含部分德育论的内容。
Conclusion partial: The main content elaborates which to this article has carried on a brief subtotal, and has pointed out the modern Hunan population development to the now enlightenment function: First, persisted implements the birth control basic national policy, strictly control population growth; 结语部分:对本文论述的主要内容进行了一个简要的小结,并指出了近代湖南人口演变对当今时代的启示作用:第一、坚持贯彻计划生育基本国策,严格控制人口增长;
In each LAN there lies a proxy, which caches partial content of a part of video assets, admits and serves the request clients in a dynamically batched manner. 该策略中各本地网络设有一视频流代理服务器用于保存部分视频的部分内容,并按动态批处理的方式来接纳并服务请求用户。
The differential balance method is used in partial discharge detection and the content of little water in transformer oil is monitored thought the capacitance sensor made of membrane. 油中微水含量监测通过薄膜电容传感器实现;局部放电的监测使用扩大差动平衡法;
It is identical that two have partial contents, but refering to the content source of full text, 1 volume is not the only "source" of "Ge wu cu tan". 两者有部分内容相同,但是从全文内容来源看,《物类相感志》一卷本不是《格物粗谈》的唯一源泉。
The partial content of the fundamental theorem of surface theory In [ 1] is improved in this paper in order to teach and study more effectively. 本文对[1]的曲面论的基本定理中的部分内容从更有利于教学的原则出发作了某些改进。
Experimental results have testified partial content for the universal rule of decomposition reaction of supersaturated solid solution. 其结论印证了过饱和固溶体分解反应的普遍规律中的部分内容。
This collective lesson planning model requires teachers to overlook all the unit knowledge, confirm the core content, and around the core content to creatively integrate the entire unit or partial element content, and design a core lesson that leads the entire unit. 单元核心课集体备课要求教师对单元知识进行俯瞰通览,确定出单元的核心内容,围绕核心创造性的整合整个单元或部分单元内容,并设计出一节统领整个单元的核心课。
Sacrifice mice and collect the serum and partial renal tissue to detect the content of MDA, activity of glutathione peroxidase ( GSH-Px) and Superoxide Dismutase ( SOD). 在试验第7d处死小鼠采集血清和部分肾组织进行丙二醛(MDA)含量和谷胱苷肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、超氧化物酶(SOD)活性检测。
The results show that electrical, optical and structure properties of ZWO films depend on sputtering parameters such as oxygen partial pressure, doping content, substrate temperature and sputtering current, etc. 研究表明,ZWO多晶薄膜的电学与光学特性与掺杂量、氧分压、基底温度以及溅射电流等制备条件参数密切相关。